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AEW S.à r.l. is a Luxembourg private limited liability company, having its registered office at 5, Allée Scheffer, L-2520 Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, registered with the Luxembourg Registry of Commerce and Companies under number B 90.603 and an Alternative Investment Fund Manager (AIFM) regulated by the CSSF (“Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier”, the Luxembourg supervisory authority) under number A00001174 as of 9 January 2015. AEW S.à r.l is a subsidiary of AEW Europe SA.

AEW S.à r.l Sustainability Risk Integration Policy

AEW S.à r.l PAI Statement

AEW S.à r.l PAI Annexe

AEW S.à r.l Climate Risk Adaption Policy

AEW S.à r.l Remuneration Policy

AEW S.à r.l Claims Policy

AEW S. r.l Conflicts of Interest Policy